I am unsurprised by the 2020 debate. The 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton yielded the same comments we hear today. Yet President Trump won that election with a landslide electoral college victory.

We know what we're getting—the most powerful conservative active working president we have ever experienced in our lifetime. Let's remember the folks he submitted for the Supreme Court Justices, especially the most recent one.

Okay, last night, we saw the fighter, disrupter, the bull in the proverbial political china shop, the MMA to deep state actors, be the interrupter to the false statements, accusations, and flat-out lies. Conversely, I was more shocked by Biden's comment to Trump, "Shut-up man, and you're a clown, racist..." statements. You bet, it was a brawl, an unconventional event - but, hey, this is 2020.

Last night's debate didn't change anyone's mind. I saw an interview with an undecided voter that said, although he was sorely disappointed in both candidates' behavior, he was now leaning to vote for Trump. I don't think there was any significant movement of Trump voters.

Over three and a half years, Donald Trump's presidential work has proven his leadership, commitment to the United States, and his resolve to make America great. This has converted many doubters about his ability to lead our nation. Those who were agnostic (Ben Shapiro, Glen Beck, etc.) has radically embraced President Trump and now support and promote him on his election bid. Why? Because he delivered on what he had promised the country, and that was shocking to many. What politician does that?

Let us be thankful for our president's work, encourage each other to continue to pray for him, and remember - there's a red tsunami wave coming over our nation! You can count on it! #2020debate #trump2020 #biden2020 #presidenttrump

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