Is this what my friends, from the Left, want for their families, their friends and our country? This is what starts out as Democratic Socialism. It is wonderful, at first. Then the realities of it not being able to support itself begin. When that happens, those in power know they have to exercise those powers. They have to maintain control to hide the failures of the hoax they have perpetrated on the citizenry. Once the citizenry figures out that they have been lied to, they begin to fight back. How do you control a populace when they fight the power. You starve them. They will spend more time trying to survive than fight. Eventually, they stave for more than food. They starve for Liberty. They starve for Freedom. They are willing to give their lives at a minuscule chance that their children will live in a free world. What you will see here is exactly what those that perpetrated the hoax are willing to do. Use men with guns against the very people they took guns from. Guns were never for hunting. They were and are for killing. Whether they are used by a bad man for nefarious purposes or by a man fighting for his Liberty and Freedom. This is why we have the Second Amendment. To guarantee that you can speak against those that wish to chain that speech and to protect the rest of those Rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The Constitution that can never coexist with Marxist ideals. Never. Only one wins. I will protect the Constitution. I will not sit down. I will not be quiet. I will never kneel to any mortal man.

For Every Person Who Wants Socialism, This Video Shows Where It Ultimately Leads

For Every Person Who Wants Socialism, This Video Shows Where It Ultimately Leads

Footage shows military vehicles under control of the socialist government nearly murdering civilians gathered on the street.
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