Fly rods and reel

Funny, I used to hear that you don’t need to spend money to have a good time. Then why are ferrari’s soo popular? Why are so many people buying 30K plus fishing boats 10 to 1 over the small jon boats? I could go on but you get the point. It does take some money to enjoy ones self in the outdoors.

When I was a younger man, I dreamed of fly fishing. I bought a cheapy fly rod, some poppers, I caught blue gill and the odd bass. Fun but not fun enough to upgrade. Then I moved to Colorado. Bought a 60 dollar fly rod with a n okuma reel. It was nice to me a the time. a 2 piece deal I had about 100 bucks wrapped up in. 5/6 weight rod, 5 weight line. It was sloooooow action. But, it worked and I caught a few fish with it. I eventually realized that it sucked, I realized this when I paid a guide to show me how to fly fish and he used sage rods. Did the same thing with shotguns once, had similar results but we wont get into that now.

Then I got married which should have put the old kibosh on any new gear but instead I ended up getting a sage rod. Launch I believe. It got stolen. Lovely. So then I got a sage vantage and that was a clear improvement. Each one of thee rods kept getting more and more expensive and at one point I thought, this isn’t necessary so I bought a 6 weight in a cheaper st croix as it was on sale. Compared to the sage, its crap. It works and I have caught something like 6-10 fish on it but it doesn’t cast well. I noticed this today when switching from a sage to a st croix, back and forth. Night and day but I will say this, the line on the st croix is real poop and it is a whole weight size smaller, that never goes well. So I am not throwing out the ole st croix, I’ll keep it as a loaner but its not going to be in the regular use rotation.

No, I am getting rid of the old sage 8 weight, I never use it. great rod but its literally collecting dust. Not muc reason for an 8 weight here in Idaho, sure, I guess I could keep it for steelhead but id rather spinfish for steel head anyway. No, I believe I shall get rid of it and get a fast action 5. I have that sage 4 that casts dries beautifully for small rivers but I don’t have anything that can do a lot of double nymph rigs for 40 foot casts or bigger streamers and hoppers. That’s where you live are on those flies.

Im thinking sage pulse, any other suggestions?

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