Same Creepy Joe back when Clarence Thomas was appointed to the Supreme Court. He is for abortion anytime during a pregnancy. He is evil and America has a chance to stop the abortions and overturn Rowe vs Wade with the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the supreme court. Many Christians have been active in prayer and donate financially to the support of the pro-life groups ( God bless you). Maybe this is God's way of getting it done. It has been reported that there have been over 60,000,000 aborted babies since Rowe vs Wade. God's Christians and God Himself I believe have had enough of the innocent infants infanticide. The liberal progressive DemoRats want more abortions ( murder), I ask God to release His wrath on them and destroy them and their organizations now. -John-

Clarence Thomas Turns The Tables On Biden - He Just Reminded America Of Joe's Performance During His Supreme Court Confirmation

Clarence Thomas Turns The Tables On Biden - He Just Reminded America Of Joe's Performance During His Supreme Court Confirmation

Way to go, Clarence!
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