(Copied and pasted, but some valid questions here. If both parties had worked together forthe benefits of America to come up with a plan, this pandemic would have been solved by now, but they were/and are in it for the $$$ not for the citizens of this country).
Probably one of the stupidest political arguments right now is "200,000 have died from Corona because of Trump" coupled with "We (Biden/Harris) have a plan to deal with Corona" . We get it at the debates and in the commercials.
First if you have this miracle plan, why have you not implemented it? Senator Harris, you get to present and pass laws. Mr. Biden, your party has control of the House of Representatives where all the money gets spent- why have you not passed and funded this miracle plan months ago? Why do we have to wait and see who wins the election and you all get your sorry selves back in Washington in January? Seems like if what you say is true, and you did nothing but hold your miracle plan, those 200K are on you.
2nd, when all the political BS is peeled back, there is not one single Mayor or Governor that can honestly say that they did not get what they needed and more, to keep the medical system from being overwhelmed. Mobile field hospitals went unused. Naval hospital ships went unused. Charity mobile hospitals went unused. The private sector and Americans stepped up and met the PPE needs. The partnership between the White House and the private sector cranked out ventilators and not only met the needs, but replenished the emergency stockpiles. Not one, but multiple variations of vaccines have been discovered and are in final trials in the fastest time in history.
Take your secret plan and shove it. I am too old to buy into snake oil scams and too experienced to not look at the real evidence/record
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