Going to go vote today and I was thinking about how to best utilize my vote. I know I’m going to cancel out someone’s vote – but whom to choose? I could use it to negate some random millennial kid persuaded to vote by Instagram . . . or really any of my teacher friends that drink the liberal Kool Aid. I have a few friends from high school that sound pretty liberal on Facebook, but then again everyone on FB does since they censor conservatives. I also have friends and family that live in Chicago, so if they survive all the gun free zone violence, I could cancel one of their votes.
I don’t think I have to worry about cancelling votes for anyone in Florida. They call it a ‘swing’ state, but people in FL pretty much like diversity, and success, and mask-free living; so it has been Republican for most of my life living there.
I’m pretty sure I don’t need to cancel out my few liberal friends here in West Virginia either. They like having jobs and owning guns.
So I choose that my vote goes out to cancel . . . . [drumroll] . . . Kamila Harris. Really she’s the only logical choice. I would have done Biden, but he’s so pre-dementia right now, there’s a high probability that he might actually vote for Trump or George Bush. I didn’t know much about Kamila before she was chosen as a potential VP, but just the fact that she hates cops, is radically pro-abortion, and represents everything disgusting about politics being against conservative Christian values makes her the target to negate.
There you have it – suck it Kamila! My vote will cancel out yours. Boom!
#redtide #silentmajority

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