Amy Bohannon Finke condiviso a post  
4 anni

4 anni

When I was young, sitting at my desk in our Homeschool classroom, I often stared mindlessly out the window by which my desk was situated. I never realized I was staring until the sound of my mother’s voice brought me back to reality.
Yes, I was a daydreamer.
I wasn’t intentionally procrastinating. I would just get so lost in my thoughts, and my eyes naturally gravitated towards the window, towards the great, big world outside, away from the textbooks in front of me. Why is there something so calming in staring at clouds floating lazily by on a backdrop of blue? Why is there something so encouraging in staring at big, strong trees, swaying gently as the wind rushes through their mighty limbs? What is it about the sun, streaming down its light and warmth, that takes my breath away? I don’t think even with all my fancy writing, creative thinking, and over-analytical brain that I can explain it. Some things are better left to be enjoyed, living in the moment, not reasoned through with a logical explanation. But if I tried, and I had to, I would say that the reason I stare is in awe of a creativity far greater than my own. Who better to be inspired by than the One Who created the world?
Once again, I sit, situated near a window, trying to collect my thoughts, my feelings, but perpetually distracted in the best of ways.
Yes, I am a daydreamer.
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