Jason Colberg partagé un poster  
5 ans

I used to think my main reason for being involved with Social Media was to change people's minds. I don't feel that way anymore, or at least it is not the primary reason I engage. I like being connected with like minded people. I like to encourage Christians and Conservatives to BE strong in their beliefs and proud of their culture! Do we change minds? Are we persuasive? I hope so, but I am here mostly for the fellowship. God bless you and all you love! #SimplySoaring

5 ans

I used to think my main reason for being involved with Social Media was to change people's minds. I don't feel that way anymore, or at least it is not the primary reason I engage. I like being connected with like minded people. I like to encourage Christians and Conservatives to BE strong in their beliefs and proud of their culture! Do we change minds? Are we persuasive? I hope so, but I am here mostly for the fellowship. God bless you and all you love! #SimplySoaring

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