Randy Wolfe gedeeld post  
4 jr

4 jr

The need has never been greater: in #state and #church, in public and private, in work for #men and work for #god, the call is for men of #strength.

A Christian man must be #humble, but also #strong. He must practice self-denial, but should also possess self-respect. He is taught to #forgive his enemies, but also to be #angry and sin not. #strength calls for self-restraint and self-control, but also for self-respect and self-assertion. This strength drives men to risk all, offering the "last full measure of devotion" for the sake of #god, #family, and #country.

Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly - here we have stuck upon the secret of this masculine strength. It is open to all. It is not a matter of temperament or training, but of #faith.

"Strength is the glory of manhood. Manhood and strength are synonymous."
– James Isaac Vance (1899)


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