I understand my leftist friends are just a bit challenged when it comes to math, so I’ll try to be gentle.
New Report indicates only 11 million Positive COVID cases after 9 months. With a population of 330 Million, this represents 3% of the population. There are estimates that it takes 67% to 90% infection rates to achieve “Herd Immunity”. At this rate, our children graduating from College will be nearing retirement before they’re no longer wear’n masks, celebrating Holidays, going to school, or any other form of normality. Now, some of my friends are still waiting on a vaccine to “save” us. We’re hearing news reports saying that this vaccine won’t be available to the general public until April and that it is claimed to be 90% effective. Consider the Flu vaccine is only voluntarily accepted by 53% of the population (and only 40-60% effective), we still won’t reach “Herd Immunity”. Do the math!!!~ We been lied to month after month, week after week, day after day since the beginning. You’ll be VERY lucky to get 53% of the population to accept a COVID vaccine. I don’t trust that 90% claim. Do you? And we haven’t even talked about harmful side effects. AND ALL THIS FOR A VIRUS THAT’S ONLY 0.03% FATAL!!!~

AWeber Smart Designer