Does the law of attraction work if you have adversity in your life?

Absolutely! Be careful though. If your mind is taken over by a torrent of worry and adversity, and you can’t think of anything else; then the Law of Attraction is working to bring you more adversity.

Whatever problem or adversity your are faced with, ask yourself this: Am I safe right now, in this moment? If so, stop worrying and you will stop attracting adversity.

Know that you have done or will do what needs to be done to solve these problems. But for the moment, you’ve done everything that needs to be done! And in this you should find some peace.

Concentrate on uplifting thoughts. The easiest thing to do is look around you, and foster into a feeling of gratefulness for every little thing you are thankful for. Also, think of the days ahead, when everything has worked out well. Keep the train of uplifting thoughts going. (Especially those that are accompanied by emotions), and before you know it your natural knack for engaging the Law of Attraction, will be presenting you with all kinds of new people and opportunities. Just what you need to move ahead in the direction of your highest aspiration.

AWeber Smart Designer