How have you been able to align with the law of attraction?

How to “align” with the law of attraction? What I hear is — you’re asking how to turn it on. Good. You’re on the right track. In my experience the Law of Attraction is not active all the time. Some days it is there and other days it is not. I call days when it is active, “Seeing Days”. Whether or not you have a Seeing Day is determined while you sleep. Thus, Seeing Days never start mid day. Nor do they end abruptly during the day. During Seeing Days coincidence abound. Even such little coincidence as see “11:11” just as you look at the clock. It is during these days when the universe will most likely act on your affirmations. Thus, with a little effort you can direct the Law of Attraction during these special days. The next challenge for you is to determine — each day — whether or not it is a Seeing Day. Eventually you’ll know upon awakening, or for the time being, certainly upon first eye contact with another person. Once you develop more economical sleeping habits, you will start to see MANY more Seeing Days, and your Law of Attraction abilities will be magnified with each consecutive day forward.

AWeber Smart Designer