4 ans - Youtube

A gashlighting sociopath reminds me of a slithering snake who tries to cover their tracks by slithering over a rock.
They literally talk about EVERYONE behind their backs and work to alienate those they talk about from each other. They are fake. They are leaches.
The really great part is when those people do get together, they realize how sick the gossipy, backbiter really is.
The problem is when the socipath gaslighter is busted they will never see their wicked ways, but continue to blame EVERYONE else.
The only thing we can do with these types of people is to NEVER have another thing to do with them. They are predators and cannot be trusted under any circumstances because they will prey on anyone including children and the elderly.
They typically learn the traits at an early age for their own survival from their parents and then pass the same manipulation, theft, lies, cheating, backbiting, gossiping, chattering, domination, etc on to their children.
A gashlighter pretends to be friends and have your back but they do not. They are using you for what they can get and nothing more! They wear a different mask for each person in their lives.
You cannot help them so don't try. Even mainstream Psychiatry will say they cannot help them.
Check out Dr. Ross Rosenberg here:

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