So my patriot conservative constitution loving friends, the DemoRats have pulled off the voter fraud . Who do we blame - God - No , He has nothing to do with it, if anything He has given the insight to many that the voter fraud would be paramount in the 2020 election. God has given the people a free choice and many people and those who chose to add to the voter fraud, chose sin above righteousness. I could blame the Republican party because they had more than a year to make sure voter fraud didn't happen and the chose to sit on their hands - why ? - because many are not Republicans they are RINOS and went along with the establishment for their own political and financial gain. Maybe a new Patriot Conservative Constitution Loving Party will rise out of the ashes, one can only hope. We the people will suffer under the Biden/Harris administration. Socialism will have its reign for a time in America and unless God steps in we will follow the way of Venezuela. Time to take a good look at ourselves and repent the evils of America and ask God to heal our nation, I pray and hope it is not too late. If you read the bible America has followed the same pattern as Israel, God blessed them abundantly until they turned their backs on Him and then they were punished, not because they were hated by God but because He wanted them to recognize their sins , repent and return to Him. The difference between America and Israel is that America has gone from blessing to sin and punishment in a matter of 300 to 500 years were Israel did it in 2000 years. So be it, I must remember that God is in control no matter what the circumstances and by the way God doesn't need me to defend Him , He is The Almighty, Living and Everlasting God. --John--

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