Good Morning USA! Greetings from a non religious believer in the Almighty Great Spirit Creator of all things whom I now refer to as Yah. Yes like most of you I come from a conservative Christian background and still stand firmly for many of the values all of us were taught to guide us as we make this journey. I believe this nation was founded by men led here who were seeking to organize as they themselves stated a more perfect union and were guided to begin it's formation! In doing so they began to form a government like no other, of the people, by the people , for the people and placed it beneath the sovereignty of our Almighty Creator. They did this as a guide for government for the rest of the entire world as a way of honoring our Creator and helping their brothers and sisters escape tyranny and oppression. Still over time men within the workings of our government have often sought to use it for the very reasons it was developed to quench. Over the past several decades our government has become infested with these types and it seems is in dire need of a vigorous cleansing. We have a leader who has been working desperately without much help to accomplish this but it seems the dirt has been piled much too high for one man to sweep away and the aid we have been sending him is often as dirty as the filth that needs washing away. It's past time to awaken that big sleeping bear the anti USA anti freedom and radical leftist unrighteousness promoting antagonizers keep poking and help our President fight back. We have the strongest voice and the greatest power in this nation backing us but have been sitting back waiting for someone else to win the fight for us. The opposition voices are out shouting us and we are not being heard! We must make them hear us.We will not hand them our nation. We will stand and fight and we will play defense and offense if necessary!

AWeber Smart Designer