Media is doing everything they can to NOT cover the growing number of adverse reactions to this hastily produced vaccine. Can't say I'm surprised the media really doesn't want to cover it or that adverse reactions are occurring - don't get me wrong, we should not be happy about the adverse reactions but ....
Too many people are falsely led to believe that medicine is an exact science (you know, 'follow the science' BS). They've been trying to develop a coronavirus vaccine for more than 20 years (not necessarily for this particular strain), but in every instance they had to stop development - because of adverse reactions during animal testing trials. So this time, pressured to produced a vaccine in record time, timelines were shortened or certain elements of testing were bypassed - that included animal testing to rule out adverse reactions ..... so here we are, adverse reactions to humans, a hospital has suspended given their healthcare employees the vaccine - because of adverse reactions. Truth is, it can be YEARS before medicine knows what the depth of reactions will be ....... nuckin futs

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