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With all the big tech censorship becoming more and more out of control we have developed a censorship free community forum for all walks of life. Facebook and Twitter are in the news for blacklisting and blocking conservatives but they're doing it to everyone. Today is a great day to invite your family and friends to have freedom and privacy by joining our free forum at https://www.newsboard.us/register/register

NewsBoard.us is a public forum website, open to all individuals of all political persuasions, dedicated to the discussion of politics in general. People from all walks of life are welcome to join the discussions in the tradition of vigorous debate. The purpose of this forum is to create an environment that is inviting to a wide spectrum of people from all parts of the world, that does not restrict the ability of users to express their political views, even if those views are controversial or unorthodox. In a world often filled with intense political turmoil and polarization of beliefs, NewsBoard.us attempts to bring opposites together to relate their views and learn from one another.

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