A few days ago I posted that I would be closing my Facebook account. After some consideration I have decide not to do so although I might go to Facebook jail AGAIN!!!

I believe that if people like myself leave Facebook we will simply be letting the extreme leftist, whinny little liberals and the extreme right, loud mouth blowhards, along with the censors at Facebook exactly what they want.

I believe that it is my duty as a Libertarian and Patriot and firm believer in the Constitution to express my beliefs and opinions, which that document gives others and me. I can only hope that at some point maybe a person from the right and/or the left, Liberal or Conservative might just take time to consider and think about what others like myself might want or believe. Maybe they might even consider reaching across the isle and working with the other side to make our country a better place for all of us instead of just promoting their on ideas while try to shame the other side.

Oh well I guess that this is just wishful thinking on my part. It would probably be easier to get some of the Arabic countries to enter into a peace agreement with Israel than to….
Hey wait that just happened didn’t it?

So before you delete you Facebook accounts, let me make a plea to all of my hardworking, opinionated, patriotic brothers and sisters to keep your accounts and continue to voice your opinions. Do not give the haters what they want, continue the fight.

Oh yeah, one more thing


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