I've spent the past few days witnessing preachy Republicans blame Donald Trump for the anger felt by millions of our countrymen.

In their rush to blame Trump, they've neglected the real reason for our nation's disgust.

Had the RINOs in our party grown a backbone and fought liberalism, a fighter like Trump would not have been necessary. Had they displayed courage instead of cowardice, the people would have not have become infuriated. Had they held the line for the past three decades, our country would not be suffering. But they didn't.

Instead, they betrayed us.

We elected people pretending to be conservatives, and they failed us. They lied to us.

Perks, power, and privilege became their new Gods. Backroom deals became their new game, and the people were left without a voice.

Politicians became more concerned about fundraising and the DC cocktail circuit than preserving our Republic. They were willing to "play the game" rather than just doing the right thing. We asked them to serve us, but they served party leadership instead.

Hell yes, we are mad.

But to blame Trump is far too simplistic.

This anger has been building for generations.-
Senator Chris McDaniel

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