Folks, it's time to wake up, open your eyes. It's really happening and while you may think it can never happen... because "we have the Constitution" that protects us, you are about to find that the only thing that protects you or our country, is YOU.

As of today....
Apple & Google have removed Parler from their apps list.

I have been unable to access Parler with the Chrome browser... had to use Firefox.

Godaddy suspended Wimkin's domain name without warning for "content violations." They immediately found a new service and it is currently propagating, so it may be a bit slow for the next 24-48 hours until this is completed.

The walkaway group on FB has been removed, along with ALL of the members that were in the group.

MeWe is currently down or very, very slow, as it is not responding.

While we've heard the rhetoric "this is not who we are"... that raises the questions, "who are they?" and "what is coming next?"

There have been numerous gun control bills already submitted to outlaw such, including one calling for registration of semi-auto's, ammo & related accessories.

Is this surprising? The first assault began with politically correct speech. Now, they are attempting to shut it down completely if it doesn't follow what they want you to believe.
The big question is, "Who's going to be there to protect you?"

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." JFK

AWeber Smart Designer