Dear Service Members: I am a Veteran of 27 years. I swore the same oath you swore: to uphold and defend the Constitution of the Unted States. Not
a political party, not a president, not a congress: The Constitution.
That Constitution is, right now, under siege. Election fraud is rampant. Freedom of the Press has turned into partisan propaganda. Censorship is in full swing. The rights to peacefully gather, to worship, to pursue life and happiness are all disappearing. Due process is being unequivocally denied. A small number of Elites have declared themselves Lords and Masters of We the People.
Uphold your oaths. The evidence is in your hands and right before your eyes. If you do not act you will soon be receiving illegal orders from people who have no regard for the Constitution nor the Rule of Law. In 244 years we have never seen such blatant treason from those sworn to govern but instead intend to rule.
We will survive this Insurrection, but only if the ones who follow in the footsteps of the men and women who have stepped up to defend FREEDOM all over the world do so here. Many died to keep others free. Do not let them to have died in vein as the unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are crushed in the last bastion of freedom on earth.
God Save the Republic
Deo Volente
Shadow of the Old Republic

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