So think on this. The reason the radical left is energized and freaked out right now, is because the right has stolen their gig. I mean, for 65 years, protests, marches, and violence has been the lefties mantra and modus operandi, but now all of a sudden, BOOM! The right is marching on DC, protesting...who would have ever thought it? And wow, in such large numbers! And whoops, it got out of hand! And then there were BLM agitators there to ramp things up to a feeding frenzy...hmmm. I'd say the BLM and the ANTIFA crowds wanted it to be this way, to take the heat off of them, after all of the destruction and death they caused last year all over the country. How many businesses did they torch? How many homes did they ransack? And how many Democrat leaders over the last four years have encouraged it? Waters, Pelosi, the Squad, Obama....hmmmm...all from the Sal Alinsky handbook...but now it's all bad, because the right is doing it....we just can't have them using our playbook....

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