(CHRISTIAN HEADLINES) – Kentucky is working to pass a new bill that would protect babies who survive of abortions, but Planned Parenthood is staunchly opposing the bill. As CBN News reports, A "Born Alive" bill is currently being sent to the Governor's desk to ensure the survival of newborn babies who survived abortions. Senate Bill 9, which is titled "AN ACT relating to abortion and declaring an emergency," or commonly as the "Born Alive" bill, would provide protection to babies born alive during abortions and also have women be eligible for $10,000 in damages.

'Born Alive' abortion bill heads to Kentucky governor's desk

'Born Alive' abortion bill heads to Kentucky governor's desk

(CHRISTIAN HEADLINES) – Kentucky is working to pass a new bill that would protect babies who survive of abortions, but Planned Parenthood is staunchly opposing the bill. As CBN News reports, A "Born Alive" bill is currently being sent to th
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