Whether or not you believe our federal servants were complicit or even just complacent in the “storming of the Capitol” the violence in major cities, the growth of antifA and/or BLM, or even the 911 attacks, the truth is it is our negligence and complacency that brought about these things and the excess in government control over our lives.
Partisanship has only allowed this to grow, by giving us someone to blame; it’s always the fault of the other side. The division is fairly even and those in government, our supposed servants, continue to expand their influence and our dependency mostly unchecked.
When I speak of this, and the options that we the people have, I am often called a radical or extremist. Maybe I am, in the way that Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Washington, George Mason, Patrick Henry or even Thomas Paine were radical. One major difference is that I don’t believe that we have to fight another revolution; the revolution that was fought by these men and their compatriots has provided us with the method to restore, and in some cases, implement the solution without war: adherence to and enforcement of the US Constitution as well as the Constitutions of our independent states.
Wresting the power away from government servants who we have allowed to usurp it won’t be easy or quick. It will take time and effort, beginning with education and including acts of civil disobedience and noncompliance.
I believe that we can join with Tactical Civics to being our work.


AWeber Smart Designer