When the message becomes convoluted.

We must have an open dialogue with others on all sides of the fence. Our friends, families, and businesses depend on how we all move forward to regain civility. It is greatly important that we groom and fully vet people to run for office who set American values above their own pocketbooks. That formula runs all the way from Washington DC, down to the school board members in our local communities.
To gain wins we need to organize and be concise within our groups and organizations. Our message needs to be clear to all. There will be dissents amongst us, but don't be swayed. Keep your message on track. Stay the course.

Damn opinions already! What is needed is One Voice ( The People's) that is clear, concise, and has well-thought-out meaning. Meaning that gives hope to all. Meaning that informs and brings about understanding. That understanding needs to be the catalyst that brings about positive action and change. It's generational.

Learn to play the game. Be your own fact-checker. Write in a way that is indisputable. Then write everywhere, and on every platform.
If you must state your opinion state it in a way that the other side would agree (at least in part). It's called common ground. Start there. Leave the negative opinions at the door, especially if you haven't come to actually work on solutions.

I leave you with this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt " No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

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