OPINION. Non-debatable. Part 1 of 2

Here is the good news! It's okay, and actually good, to check out all the social media platforms on the internet. It is perfectly fine. Please do. While checking your options out, know that you don't have to subscribe to political nonsense. But it is out there for you if you want. Politics is optional - it just depends on "who you follow". Nine times out of ten you can find a host of followers on all the different platforms that have a variety of tastes similar to your own. That could range from jeeping, religion, education, music, photography, all the wholesome ones. Each has its political side as well.

Facebook has had it good for years because they were one of the big firsts in the social media realm. They blazed a trail leading the way for the systems we use today, and the platforms yet to be developed in the future. Options (newer platforms) are what drives the market - it's called "competition". Without competition, your growth stales - you end up with zero growth. Facebooks niche is not static. So without competition, they will stagnate, and go the way that others such as myspace have gone.

Whether you are a techie or not, the recent happenings with many of the new social media sites have raised a few eyebrows. The fact-checking, censoring, shadow banning or the out-and-out denial of services has made a mockery of so-called free speech platforms. If they aren't free speech platforms, then who-and-what exactly are they? They are publishers, businesses making a profit on your information. If you think it's all free - they are selling "you". Selling your information.

Like it or not, the sensoring and denial of service actions in real-life affects everyone on ALL sides of the political and non-political spectrum. HOW? People will walk away from both sides of an issue, they will also switch sides now, or just disappear. Lawsuits are and will be, rolling out for the next 10 years into the future beyond. This is due to the tremulous havoc left in the wake of this digital storm. Congress (non-partisans) could repeal Section 230 placing today's big tech on the same legal footing as every other company in America, providing legal accountability. RICO Probes Into Big Tech Companies could also spring out of this next 10 years. The lawyers are walking around with bated breath right now. It's going to get dicey! Most of us will never see what occurs in the courtrooms. The money will change hands and people will go to jail. You'll read a short story here or there - but for the most part, the exchange will be invisible.

AWeber Smart Designer