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3 yrs

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) was lambasted by Fox News host Maria Bartiromo for failing to fulfill his promise to subpoena Hunter Biden and key Deep State officials involved in the Obamagate scandal. During “Sunday Morning Futures”, Bartiromo called out Graham for waiting until the last minute to release key transcripts showing the Russia hoax was an invention of Hillary Clinton and Deep State operatives trying to remove President Trump from office. “People are mad at you as well. Why didn’t you declassify the Russiagate transcripts before the election?” Bartiromo asked. “Was there anything could have done differently to make people feel that there was accountability for an effort to take down a candidate and then a sitting president with the whole Russia hoax nonsense?”

Liar Lindsey Graham Called Out For Failing To Hold Deep State Accountable, Subpoena Hunter Biden

Liar Lindsey Graham Called Out For Failing To Hold Deep State Accountable, Subpoena Hunter Biden

Graham, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, appears to have simply ran out the clock till Joe Biden could be sworn in
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