The MSM bears the biggest responsibility for SHIELDING America from Socialist Joe. For a year you hear NOTHING from MSM about Joe's REAL plans and certainly America didn't get anything about Joe leading up to the actual election.

Hiding in his basement, coming out like the groundhog ever so often to answer softball questions.

Well, Democratic America, this is what you and the illegal ballots put into office. He can no longer hide and has already started off in the wrong direction with socialist plans in full display. He already has snapped at reporters and his Press Secretary is having a difficult time answering the simplest of questions.

We don't need to know how Joe feels sitting at the desk, or his dog's pedigree, or whether he wears socks or not, nor the kind of sneakers he prefers.

Unless the Senate gets its act together in a unified way, these moronic and job killing efforts are going to move forward.

It is abundantly clear that his first E.O.'s had nothing to do with moving the Country forward, rather was a political stunt to hurt President Trump's last four years of work.

Take note-most of the E.O.'s do nothing for America but weaken us and put America again LAST, not First and certainly hurts the middle class. So four years of progress is being unraveled by a President who has lied, cheated, stolen his ENTIRE career.

This is why I'll never believe ole Joe actually won....too many illegal votes, too many voter irregularities. Unless the GOP in EACH STATE goes after voter fraud and fixes it like NOW, the GOP will die with no support and no funding.

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