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3 anni

3 anni

You can’t make this stuff up! Bezos & Amazon fight mail-in union voting, only in-person is ‘valid and fair’
January 24, 2021

The Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos, whose paper incessantly defended and promoted universal mail-in ballots during the 2020 presidential election, has suddenly and predictably transformed into a staunch opponent of them.

mail election raised the risk of fraud

Trump’s bogus attacks on mail-in voting could hurt his supporters, too
The president is undermining democracy

Trump is straight-up lying to Americans, spreading disinformation about voting by mail, undermining faith in our electoral system

You can't make this stuff up! Bezos & Amazon fight mail-in union voting, only in-person is 'valid and fair'

You can't make this stuff up! Bezos & Amazon fight mail-in union voting, only in-person is 'valid and fair'

Jeff Bezos' Amazon doesn't want workers voting for unionization with mail-in ballots because only in-person voting is "valid" and "fair."
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