Socialism 1

Why Are politicians all over the world and especially here are wanting open border and a movement to socialism (social justice, another word for socialism), the answer is POWER and PRIVILEGE.

Let's take a look at Venezuela. There is a prime example of social justice. The government provides fair and equal allotment of food to each of its citizens. One bag of rice and beans each month to each family. There you go, no one living better than others. There is one exception though, the extremely wealthy and more importantly the politicians. Those two privileged classes of people are provided with everything they need, through the toil and rape of the citizens who put them there. Currently what stands between the un-armed citizenry and the bourgeois are the police and military who make sure the privileged few are able to maintain their lifestyle. Let them eat cake.

Why would the mega-wealthy want a socialist utopia when they built their empires in the system that is America? Because they have already achieved their wealth and status and they are in bed with the politicians. They use their wealth and influence to take care of politicians, while the politicians use their influence and lawmaking positions to take care of both themselves and their wealthy friends. In that way they both become wealthier and more powerful while the rest of society struggle for whatever they can eke out, like a nest of baby birds waiting for their mama.

The politician and/or the extremely wealthy will never be limited to the amount of resources they use, regardless of how outrageously expensive, restricted or scarce. Those making millions of dollars a year i.e. actors and actresses, CEOs of Starbucks or Google and politicians to name a few, will always be able to afford caviar, lobster, champagne, while driving their families to their biannual vacations in their $100,000 plus SUV's .

The uber wealthy do want to limit you and your children as to what you can achieve and how you live, because they believe you and your children do not need to live a life of excess. They will limit you on your electrical use, your travel, the type of food you can eat, the size of house you can have, size and number of vehicles you own and most importantly the absolute restriction of any gun that you think you have a God given right to own. "All for the good of society and not intended for you." It is total projection on their part. Need proof, look how they live, travel and listen to how they tell you to live.

How do they feed this garbage to the masses and make it palatable, they use their most powerful ally, the so-called unbiased news media. If you are currently getting your news and information from the major networks including CNN, MSNBC, CBS and the rest, and do not realize these entities are simply becoming a mouthpiece for the elites, you have not been paying attention, have been fooled into believing social justice works or you don't have the capacity to see how the alternatives have failed everywhere in society throughout history. They spew their propaganda through "narrative news," pushing the agenda of socialism, climate change, and open borders.

But don't fret they will have a place for you in this new Utopian society. You and your children will be allowed to serve and service the needs and desires of politicians and the uber wealthy.

This is the reason our politicians and the extremely wealthy are using whatever mechanism (social justice/socialism), to convince the weak and uninformed that socialism is best for everyone.

Only two groups of people prosper in a socialist society. Politicians and the extremely wealthy. Look at ANY socialist society. Politicians live like kings. They always take their place, first in line. They receive the best healthcare available. They are fed lobster and steak, drink champagne and are showered with whatever they and their families need or desire. They live above the law and make laws that give them privilege. All of this while they tax and regulate the citizens they rule over, whom they treat like and think of as cattle that need to be taken care of from cradle-to-grave, for their own good.

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