Socialism 2

Watch these politicians, both Democrat and Republican as they make promises to you as they run for election. They promised to give you everything, they promise to make it better and they promised to do what is best for us as citizens. But as soon as they get behind the closed curtain, it is simply to further entrench themselves in a life of forever living like kings, while they treat citizens simply as a product to squeeze money from, or to gain votes. Don't ever be fooled these politicians are no different than the neighbor two houses down from where you live. They are no more intelligent and most generally less intelligent than you. As they sit on their boards and chairmanships they think of themselves as intelligent, experts in whatever aspect of life they are making rules and all knowledgeable as they make decisions on how you and your children can and will be required to live.

Ladies and gentlemen, these politicians, movie stars and Silicon Valley mega-millionaires are pushing their socialist agenda, not because it helps you or your family but because it guarantees they will have a lifestyle and power that will provide them and their families all of the pleasures of life that they choose to experience, forever.

Are all politicians like that? No, but any elected citizen who thinks they are going to change the political status quo, will be destroyed at the moment they begin to make any change.

Don't ever fall for the belief that they are actually thinking about what is best for you, your family or the country. It is totally about them!

AWeber Smart Designer