Sleeping Beauty:
If your addicted to Drugs, Alchohol or an enabler I hope you get out before your dead.. Tricia's Dad was former CFO Lionsgate entertainment, two other family members A&R's at Capital Records.. 3 Weeks after graduating from Berkley with a Law Degree, she was hit head on by a drunk driver, her ancles crushed, to her it seemed her life shatterd as well, I was going to fix her, save her..
Our relationship and engagement that ended was such a roller coaster ride.. She was such a good person but my example of mastering pain and tackling life cirustances just didn't translate to her as she slid down a path of Big Pharma.
So many good times, memories going to L.A. on weekends eating at the Best places in town, I didn't grow up as she did, limos ect.. lol she would say "please don't order a cheesburger" lol I've had some of the best cheeseburgers hahha.. Staying at "The Hilton" Paris Hilton this, Paris Hilton that on the drive over, lol we pull up to Vallet, im helping the bag guy lol..
I still get a smile thinking of her reactions to my peasantry work... The first time she was in a coma I told her thats it, I cant do this, she agreed to go into treatment.. 30 days, I'd visit and her Dr's asked if I'd manage her pain meds, and anxiety and sleeping,,,.. I'd lock them up and she would unscrew the back of the box.
After she passed away, after moving back in with her parents I still kept close to them, then her mother passed, then her Father not long after..
I've seen a lot of Death, I've seen a lot of things on my musical journey..

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