Ms America - you sold your birthright for a bowl of Lentils.

On 21 Jan 2021 I awoke to a Communist America that I had been fighting against since my commission as a military officer in 1969. Only a few years earlier, in 1958, J. Edgar Hoover had written a detailed history of communism in America since it began in 1919 as a small but fanatical conspiracy totally committed to transforming America into a Communist dictatorship. Since their foundation they have been systematically brainwashing Americans to the point that now a very large segment of the population are in fact 'communist' and don't even know it because the communists hide behind the monikers of being 'Progressive' or 'Liberal'.
In 1940 the Communist Party of America wanted to support Franklin Delano Roosevelt for a fourth term as President because he was a committed 'socialist' and because he admired and supported Joe Stalin. Knowing that if they publicly supported Roosevelt in their own name they would hurt him rather than help him, they launched a new "Progressive Party" advertised as a 'farm-labor' party. It was, in fact, a shadow party created to do what the Communist Party could not publicly do, support FDR. This deception worked so well that the Communist Party of America has ever since consistently used the moniker 'Progressive' to hide its true intentions. If you doubt this I offer you a direct quote from Nikita Khrushchev in 1957: "I can prophesy that your grandchildren in America will live under socialism. ... [they] will not understand how their grandparents did not understand the progressive nature of a socialist society."
Communists love to present themselves as 'liberal' when in fact they lie somewhere to the right of Genghis Kahn in terms of liberality. The word 'liberal' inherently means tolerant, not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy or traditional social beliefs. In point of fact, however, today's liberals are the most intolerant authoritarian people in the world. To prove that for yourself all you have to do is look at how they attack, lie about and slander political conservatives. Because they are atheists the truth is not in them and therefore everything they say is a perversion of truth to suit their own ends.
"Progressive", "Socialist", "Liberal" - they all mean "Communist".

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