Greetings all:

What's next??❤

Papa Yah/God and Son are on Their thrones. Holy Spirit lives inside those who have repented and believed in YESHUA/Jesus, who follow Holy Spirit in obedience.

His PLAN is in motion.

Fear Not!

People are seeing the deepstate, Bidens, socialist ways, our nation's corruption.

God will continue to expose. It will reach a crescendo likely in February/March. Key miracles, bombshell whistleblowers and evidence is forthcoming soon!

Trump will reassert his claim to the Presidency within a couple months. Biden will be seen, even by many Democrats, as the usurper-in-chief. A thief, villain. Supreme Court and or impeachment will remove Biden, then Trump will be sworn in as our duly elected President, likely no later than April/May, maybe sooner.
America and the world will celebrate and cheer.

When Trump's back, earth-shattering cleansing of our government institutions will occur via many ways, incl courts martial treason and sedition hearings. These tribunals will actually go worldwide, like the Nuremberg trials did, to take down the corrupt, human trafficking, pedophile, money laundering, communist, satanic players. It goes all the way to the top, of the Rockefeller Rothschild and Jesuit Vatican cabal.
We will see people like Soros judged, and Obama and Hillary Clinton going to jail, along with scores of others. Some should even get the death penalty.

God is continuing to cleanse his Church also. A reformed and revived on fire clean Church will emerge, that lives like the early Church did in the book of Acts. Yes, there will be a false dead cold Church that exists also, but it will be evident.

The next 20 years will be epic, the return of our nation to God and His ways. It will set us up for many decades more: to do the will of God, revival, spreading the Gospel to the ends of the Earth and making Sheep Nations.

We will be bringing Heaven to Earth in many regions showing the world the Kingdom ways, goodness and salvation of God. Many nations will want to emulate the USA.

Keep praying and decreeing, using your authority in Christ, to destroy the works of the devil. Set people free from sin and Satan. Do the works/miracles Jesus did and even greater. The Gates of Hell will not prevail against God's triumphant Church. Yes, there will be persecution and suffering and even regions of darkness (where people refuse His light, ways). But we will largely enjoy the Spiritual Kingdom building age before Christs return. The book of Joel and the book of Acts is about to occur once again; this time in full, where God pours out his Spirit upon all flesh and His Glory covers the earth, to bring in the final harvest of souls.
God will bless His people with inventions, cures for many diseases, life extension knowledge, free energy, restoration of our true identity and authority in Christ to wage war against Satan's kingdom and win. The church will again fully walk in supernatural giftings of the Spirit such as words of knowledge words of wisdom, prophecy, miracles healings etc. A great time is ahead.

After this, the Great Tribulation will finally occur, for a minor 3 1/2 to 7 years of time. Then King Jesus comes back at the Battle of Armageddon, to destroy Satan's powers along with many wicked people/Nations, to reign from Jerusalem, for a thousand years. Then the Great White Throne judgment and the making of a new heavens and new earth, where the Father will dwell amongst men for eternity occurs.

His plan is wrapped up. No more evil. No More tears. No more death. Just Love Faith and Hope and an awesome eternity.

Shalom to those who obey Jesus according to Hebrews 5:9. It is key.

With Love,

Troy R Westbrook and Family

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