For those who don't know, this was something that the Lord had laid on my heart to do. It was a ministry created to help to disciple other Christians and to help bring a sense of community, support, and encouragement for all no matter your calling, title, or where you are at in your walk with God. It is to help enrich your walk and to help you learn how to be set apart from the world. On the website you will see that I have updated a lot of things. If you are reading this than I hope you will take just a few seconds of your time to go on over to the site to check it out. There you can subscribe to my listing where you will receive updates and encouragement in your inbox. You can also sign up to be a site member where you will have access to join my groups that will contain spiritual encouragement, prayer requests, bible studies to take part in, and more. You can also find my blog posts and podcasts/audio files where I share some of the things that the Lord has placed on my heart to share. I also plan to add a shop to the site at a later time where I plan on having decals and shirts made and all proceeds made will go to my home church or in helping other genuine ministries in need. I do hope that you will receive a blessing through this and please share this with others so they can be apart of it also. This has nothing to do with me but all to do with bringing God glory! I can't do any of this without Him! I am currently working on the app for this also and will share more info on that at a later time. The site address is now: and my email to contact me by (which you can contact me from the site also) is

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