William Travis compartilhou um post  
3 anos

3 anos

Problem with #knuckledragging #libnuts

1. You cant just mind your own business can you. Gota stick your commie nose in people's lives making you think you have a say in it.

2. Feels their commie views are above the rest and others should be forced to conform or be killed.

3. Don't like it when they're told how to live yet spend their lives telling others how to live theirs.

4. Wants to dictate to others even if it makes the other person miserable or in pain, doesn't matter, as long as they can sleep at night.

5. Say they love America, yet cant follow the constitution or a decent moral code.

6. Can't handle differences. Millions of years into our evolution you'd think they'd **** pick up on the fact that everyone is boy or girl and accept it... But nope.

7. Have the overwhelming need to be right all the time and stroke their ego.

8. Their political view has taken over their entire identity and world.

9. Would rather force people to conform to their commie beliefs. Doesn't matter how someones affected by it, as long as they get what they want.

You idiots are in this for yourselves and only give a **** about yourselves and too busy trying to dictate to people in a free country like retarded Nazis.

#idiots #narcissism #hypocrisy #triggered

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