The most common command in the OT and NT is the admonition not to fear, be anxious, worry, sweat the small stuff. Why? Because our fallen nature wants control of the outcome in every situation, that predicated on the idea that we know what is best in God's economy. Do we think Noah would have initiated the idea to build a boat even iF he knew a flood was over a century away, that Abraham would have packed up and moved out of Haran without God's poking him, that Joseph would have planned his own kidnapping, mugging, sale to foreigners, imprisonment and all the rest? How about Paul wanting to go to Rome and that he finally got there as a prisoner where he penned the prison epistles, even regarding his imprisonment was a 'force multiplier' for the cause of Christ and His gospel?!
What seems to us a circuitous, inefficient and wayward journey is a straight line to God IF we are humbly seeking to do follow Him. Keep that a matter of constant prayer, feed on His Word, scatter the seed and prayerfully watch for evidence of its taking root in the lives of those for whom you pray, then saddle up next to them and get to know them, earning the right to be heard because they sense that you care about them not as a project but as a person made in the image of God.

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