We live our lives and some make great strides and are seen as so very successful while others are barely counted worthy.
God somehow seems to go after those lost souls.
Scripture tells the story of workers who came in the morning , while others came at noon and some even at the last hour. God pays them all the same and those who came first get disgruntled they were not paid more. But God is the boss.the thief on the cross came in at the last minute and was told he would be in paridise one day too because he repented and Jesus next to him forgave him.
There is also the prodigal son who is like the lost sheep that Christ leaves the other 99 to seek and save. He is welcomed back by the FATHER GOD aka his dad, while the brother is angry that he is not celebrated for coming back and surrendering, yet he never left but was the good son.
Are we mad that we worked much of our life and yet the thief on the right , who lived a wicked life gets forgiven at the last few minutes.
WE ARE ALL SINNERS. Christ wants all to be saved. Christ is love and mercy.
Let us have mercy on those who come in at the last minute but know they must be truly repentant for Christ to forgive them.
If you have worked hard all your life and yet still HAVE LOVE FOR THE LOST to be saved. Your place in heaven will be great, but if you are like the prodigal sons brother, or like the worker who started first and is angry for putting in a lifetime aka a whole days work, then know JESUS SAYS, SO AS YOU FORGIVE SO SHALL YOU BE FORGIVEN. Because no not one of us is perfect and non of us is good.
Rejoice and have the MIND OF CHRIST when a lost soul or a lost sheep is found.
We shall be rewarded above. Let our treasures lie there and do not hold onto THINGS OF THIS WORLD, which is enmity with Christ.
He said to satan if this was his world he would send 10,000 angels to fight for him.
Seek ye the kingdom above and all else will be done

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