3 Jahre - Youtube

Maybe one of you could benefit from this message from the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love President Nelson's recommendation to not look at palm leaves this Palm Sunday, but to the palms of the risen Lord which were pierced for us. Earlier this week, I flipped open to Isaiah and saw a passage that contains the words "a nail in a sure place" (Isaiah 22:23). When I reread the passage, I had the immediate thought: "Where was the nail? The nail was in Jesus' hands and wrists. So, the 'sure place' is HIM. Jesus IS the sure place." This Holy Week, "remember the palms of His hands." Remember your Savior. Remember what He suffered for you because He loves you so much. Remember that He held the weight of your sins, your troubles, your sorrows, your depression, your addictions, your failings, and so forth, on His shoulders. Easter, despite the many pagan traditions that have been woven into it, is - or should be - all about the Redeemer.

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