The One World Government Part VI
"1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech..... 6 And
the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language;
and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them,
which they have imagined to do." Genesis 11:1,6

This article shows that the world is moving rapidly to a One World
Government. The world is being divided into four major regions. These
regions are the European Union (EU), Americas, Asia, and the African Union
(AU). These regions are modeled after the European Union which used the
following steps to create their region. These steps are free trade, open
borders, single currency, Central Bank, Court of Justice, peacekeeping
force or regional defense. Some of these are done in order and some are
done in parallel to complete the goal of four major regions.

2. Region 2 - Americas - 2002
c) Single Currency and Central Bank

Continuing from the last post, an article titled "A Common Currency for
the Americas?"(Note 14) states "In the Americas, the only conceivable
arrangement acceptable to the United States would be an extension of the
Federal Reserve System (the US central bank) to the rest of the
hemisphere. Canada, for example, might become the 13th Federal Reserve
District (and the Bank of Canada would morph into the 'Federal Reserve
Bank of Ottawa'. Power over the Federal Reserve System would continue to
be tightly controlled from Washington, under its Board of Governors and
its Chairman (currently Alan Greenspan), all of whom are appointed by the
US President. Under this scenario, there would be no new common currency
like the Euro. The US dollar would, in effect, be the 'Amero'. Monetary
policy, which affects interest rate levels and availability of credit,
would be determined in Washington by the Federal Reserve Board, primarily
in response to US economic conditions and policy objectives. The Federal
Reserve Bank of Ottawa would be reduced to writing reports on the
distressed conditions facing farmers in Saskatchewan. Similarly, a Federal
Reserve Bank of Buenos Aires might focus on the high unemployment rate
among Argentine workers. Both would vainly hope that Washington pays

We see from all these articles that just as the Euro came into Europe, the
'Amero' or 'Eagle' or whatever the name will be will come into the
Americas with the Central Bank being the Federal Reserve Bank.

d) Court of Justice
Through all these trade agreements there is also a move to change our laws
to align with the one world government or global governance laws. A recent
supreme court decision shows a shift in our highest court in the nation.
In an article titled "Justice: Can Constitution Make it in Global Age?",
subtitled "On TV, Breyer wonders whether it will 'fit into governing
documents of other nations' (Note 15) states "In a rare appearance on a
television news show, Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer questioned
whether the U.S. Constitution, the oldest governing document in use in the
world today, will continue to be relevant in an age of globalism. Speaking
with ABC News' 'This Week' host George Stephanopoulos and his colleague
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Breyer took issue with Justice Antonin
Scalia, who, in a dissent in last month's Texas sodomy ruling, contended
the views of foreign jurists are irrelevant under the U.S. Constitution.
Breyer had held that a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that
homosexuals had a fundamental right to privacy in their sexual behavior
showed that the Supreme Court's earlier decision to the contrary was
unfounded in the Western tradition. 'We see all the time, Justice O'Connor
and I, and the others, how the world really it's trite but it's true is
growing together,' Breyer said.

Note 14:
Note 15:

In future posts I will share more about this topic.

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