The United States of America was founded to be a Christian Nation, by Christians, for Christians, while being tolerant of other religions. No denomination of Christianity was to be held superior to any other denomination of Christianity. At no time were non-Christian religions held equal to Christianity. This was held true for approximately the first 180 years of our nation. More recently we have been perverted into a secular-progressive nation whereby all religions and belief systems are equal. Secularism is a perversion of the founder’s intent.


Question for the Christian Voter?

Is it possible to be a Christian and vote for Democrats in the year of 2021?

Technically, there are two ways a Christian can vote for a Democrat:
(1) That person is temporarily away from Christ on the prodigal path or
(2) That person does not understand how the Democrat Party of 2021 works.

The Democrat Party of 2021 is in no way related to the Democrat Party of 1960. The once great Democrat party has been taken over by and is controlled by Socialists, Marxists, Communists, Atheists and Globalists, etc. – all of which can be called Leftists. There have been no Democrats in the Democrat Party since 1963. Many say JFK was the last Democrat.

In 1960, the Democrats supported the American middle-class worker. In 2021, the Democrats support, globalism, multiculturalism and open borders, all of which are the arch enemy of the American middle-class worker. This puts our friends and neighbors into competition for a job with slave labor in Sri Lanka or a 10-cents-a-day worker in some Communist country. To broaden their voter-base the Democrats use something called “Identity Politics”. They identify specific groups and help promote the values of these groups into our society. This dilutes and distorts the Christian Culture our nation was founded on. These groups repay by voting for the Democrats.

Let’s look at some of the groups the Democrats pander to:
(1) Democrats pander to the atheists who say there is no God. Is that Christian?
(2) Democrats pander to the Muslim who say that God had no Son. Is that Christian?
(3) Democrats pander to the homosexual who say that perversion is not sin. Is that Christian?
(4) Democrats pander to the abortionists who say that murdering babies is not sin. Is that Christian?
(5) Democrats teach victimhood and dependency to the blacks and Hispanics to keep them down. Democrats also go into their communities and agitate them so that when they go to the polls they will vote their fear and anger instead of their Christian Values, Family Values and Patriotic Values. Is that Christian?
(6) Additionally, during the 2012 Democrat National Convention, Democrats Booooooed God 3 times. Is that Christian?

It is my prayer that in 2022, Christians will vote their Christian Values.

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