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If so-called "vaccine passports" are required by the Biden administration or private companies, Florida Republian Gov. Ron DeSantis promised Monday he would take "executive action" in his state. "You want the fox to guard the hen house? I mean, give me a break," DeSantis said. "I think this is something that has huge privacy implications. It is not necessary to do." A digital "vaccine passport" would require customers to provide proof of vaccination to enter a store or a form of transportation. "I'm going to be taking some action, in an executive function, emergency function, here very shortly." On Monday, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., told Fox News that the Democrats' move to require vaccine IDs to conduct "basic daily activities" undercuts their rationale for opposing voter IDs.

Governor vows 'executive action' against any Biden vaccine passport

Governor vows 'executive action' against any Biden vaccine passport

If so-called "vaccine passports" are required by the Biden administration or private companies, Florida Republian Gov. Ron DeSantis promised Monday he would take "executive action" in his state. "You want the fox to guard the
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