To all my family and friends I would like to wish each of you a Happy and Blessed Easter. I think it is important that we remember just what Easter is all about and its true meaning to Christians and the world. I am especially concerned that so many people in America have turned their backs on God and Jesus Christ and they no longer have any faith or hope in anything other than what they are learning in public schools which are now pushing an agenda which is IMHO nothing more than a rejection of God and teaching kids that the government is the answer to ALL their problems and that the government will provide their every need IOW communism. Today the only "religion" the communist democrats show any respect to at all is islam and that is ONLY because the majority of communist democrats lack a spine and they know that an islamic muslime will just as soon crucify them as look at 'em. You don't have to be a religious zealot to have faith in God, faith that the world needs the promise of Easter. Without faith in something better what is there? Without faith there is absolutely NO hope for anything in life. Our country and our government was founded on a trust in God and on strong religious beliefs but so many in our government today want to take all mention of God out of our government and given the opportunity they will ban the Christian religion and place very strong restrictions on Christian churches. Sad but again IMHO very true and it IS the communist democrat party that will bring about the destruction and failure of the un-United States of America. WAKE UP AND RISE UP AMERICA!!!

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