Of all things that are important; there are but 4. Without these 4 things; there truly is no life.

Many people say family is important yet text everyone while in the presence of their family. They claim Jesus is first yet their Bibles are covered with dust. They want you to believe that the Holy Spirit is vital yet their mouths are filled with filth and perversion.
People claim they want to live healthy lives- while eating deep fried butter and pickles.
It should not take a quarantine or two for us to get what really is important.
I am not a betting woman; but if I were I would bet no one would be on their death bed wishing they fought more with strangers on social media about lying politicians, spent more time watching cat videos than their own children play; or that they wish they would have gained even more weight so they couldn't have gotten into the sports car they dreamed of buying that 'one' day.

It's time we get to what is important before it entirely eludes us and we missed it.

God bless you.
Julie Blair Ministries


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