Back in December my wife lost her job of 13+ years due to covid or that is what the manager said. Since then she has diligently looked as required to receive unemployment after winning a protest by her former employer of her eligibility. Today my wife had an interview with an assistant living facility for the job of cleaning rooms. Before leaving she was asked if she had or would get the covid vaccine. She said she would, but I am not thrilled based upon everything that I am hearing. Are we now a society that is forced into things we disagree with, to travel or simply get a job. If people are tested before going into work, should that not be sufficient? Her sisters and mom have all opted for the shot, but wonder if they have heard what I have or are simply buying the media's line. I find it interesting tho that even with a shot or two, little has changed...mask, social distancing, some restrictions still remain despite being told the vaccine works. I am not against "health" in fact I spend much of my time promoting health, but thru natural ways. Prevention starts with overall good health and that starts with "us". Only we can chose. Vaccines that really haven't been thoroughly vetted for safety to prevent a virus that is over 99.9% treatable. We can chose to simply react when something happens or be proactive in trying to prevent that "something" from happening. 3196104290

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