✅ I'm surprised we didn't know or announce this election integrity seminar by Regent University last week! Thanks to One America News Network for showing the entire conference!
✅ The cast of presenters was long and powerful - Michele Bachman, Ben Carson, John Fund, Hans von Spakevsky, more!
✅ What a conversation starter for individuals, family's, or groups!
✅ You KNOW why it wasn't the lead news topic of that day - election integrity does NOT coincide with the left's agenda!
✅ The ONLY way to educate the MASSES is for every member of this group to SHARE - share to their page/wall, share to 20 friend pages/wall, share to their local media, share to political groups they're connected with. I beg, implore, plead with each of you to follow that advice!

Analyzing American Election Integrity | Regent University

Analyzing American Election Integrity | Regent University

Join the Robertson School of Government's virtual conference on election integrity. Learn about the conference & its nationally-renowned speakers.
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