3 yrs - Youtube

Twice a year, I take a moment to invite all of you to watch General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The other day, I heard someone say something like, "There's no God. If there is, why doesn't He care about the world or say anything as we descend into chaos?" The central message of General Conference is that there IS a God, His Son is Jesus Christ, and They speak to mankind today through living prophets and apostles called by the Savior to this ministry. You may not believe that. You may believe that my Church is heretical. Whatever your belief, I'd simply ask: Have you actually investigated The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Have you looked at our doctrine and teachings? Have you read the holy books we read alongside the Bible which contain more of Christ's teachings that enlighten and gladden the soul? Have you ever attended one of our Church meetings? I find that most people who take a negative view of us don't actually know anything at all about our beliefs, have never taken the time to personally study and pray about it, or only are going off of what they've read by some disaffected individual online or what they heard in some spiteful sermon. Yes, the Lord's Church is always persecuted, hated, and misunderstood. It comes with the territory.

Again, I invite you to learn more about our belief in Jesus Christ by tuning in to watch General Conference with me this Saturday and Sunday. Follow the link mentioned in the video and you can find the times, or go to churchofjesuschrist dot org for more. Additionally, look in the comments and you'll find a series of articles I've written with my personal witness of Jesus Christ and of His Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have a fervent, burning witness from the Holy Spirit of the truth. I know, without any shadow of doubt, that the Savior lives, that He talks with men today, that He answers prayers, and that He is very intimately involved in the details of our lives - even when we don't love and follow Him as we ought to. Regardless of what we do, He died for us and shed His blood to give us the opportunity to change and better ourselves. Through Him, every sin-soaked individual can be cleansed and made made holy like Him. There's no question about it; you have a place in His flock. He's the Good Shepherd; follow Him. Zack Strong

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