#trump This is the way the LEFTIST Dems roll. Their ideology includes THREATS & BLACKMAIL. Their mantra - "if we don't get what we want or agree with you, we will retaliate, substitute, cancel or outlaw UNTIL WE DO."

So this is a call for ALL CONSERVATIVES to meet FIRE WITH FIRE. Don't attend, watch or support ANYTHING MLB. Conservatives are an ECONOMIC FORCE worth billions.
Let's see just how MLB likes it when the DOLLARS dwindle (and they will).
Are you in or will you affirm the DEMS strong arm? https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/04/barack-ob

Barack Obama Cheers MLB's Decision to Move All-Star Game Out of Georgia Which Will Cost Atlanta Tens of Millions in Revenue

Barack Obama Cheers MLB's Decision to Move All-Star Game Out of Georgia Which Will Cost Atlanta Tens of Millions in Revenue

Obama built this. Barack Obama cheered the MLB’s decision to move its All-Star game out of Georgia based on lies about the state’s new voter integrity laws. Joe Biden told ESPN on Wednesday he “would strongly support” MLB moving the game,
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