Last night I watched the movie "Ben Hur" for the umpteenth time, but I never grow tired of watching it year after year after year, because of the "message" it leaves us. A movie that gives us "hope" for at least a little while. Will this Easter be like all others...we celebrate for a week and then...go back to our lives as they were a week ago OR will this Easter be different. With all that has happened and happening, will God become "more" in our lives. I know that I have prayed more in the last several months than I did in the last several years. Simply praying that the light of goodness can overcome what seems to be a world full of darkness and evil. Where truth can be revealed and accepted even if some people don't like it. They say all prayers are answered but not always in the way you would like. I will keep praying and hoping this prayer will be answered in the way I would hope. To see in the movie at the moment Jesus died there was a darkness full of lightening and thunder, only to quickly be replace by sunshine, hope, peace, and a sense of calm. Can and will that sense of calm return? Some say yes, I hope they are RIGHT!

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