You're probably losing out on sales conversions.

BIG TIME. Wanna know why? ?

Hey, it's Will here.

Have you ever wondered why some business seem to be able to hook, reel in, and then convert their audiences like they're Mark Davis catching bass while others are just ....

Tossing their line and hoping someone bites?

The second group basically relies on hope because they don't have a clear strategy. They're throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.

In contrast, the first group has a written strategy (usually well documented) because they know that websites, which have a blog attract 55% more traffic. (Quick Sprout)

But, just having a blog doesn't ensure traffic or conversions either.

You know how many companies update their blogs only a few times per year? Not talking about business per se, but the New York Times even reported that around 95% of blogs get abandoned altogether!


Because putting out content can be hard to do consistently.

The rewards are worth it though since Content marketing is 3x more cost effective at lead generation than paid search (Content Marketing Institute).

Something to think about!

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#contentmarketing #digitalmarketing #marketing

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